Kids Learn to Ride
Our Bigfoot team of qualified instructors will work alongside parents to get the kids up and riding. Whether starting on a balance bike or making the transition to a pedal bike, the team is there to help.
Bigfoot Adventures offers Bike Skills programmes to schools, community groups and the general public.
We also provide bike hire, biking tours and multi-day corporate journeys.
Our Bigfoot team of qualified instructors will work alongside parents to get the kids up and riding. Whether starting on a balance bike or making the transition to a pedal bike, the team is there to help.
Bigfoot Adventures works in conjunction with BikeReady NZ and Auckland Transport to deliver Bike Skills training to various community groups, including a very important and wonderful programme delivered to the Refugees as Survivors group, whereby we offer a Refugee “Learn to Ride” programme to those newly arrived in New Zealand.
The Adult Bronze level course is delivered in an off-road environment and covers all the basics of riding a bike and gives you the opportunity to “Get up and riding”.
The Adult Silver level course covers the Bronze level but allows you the opportunity to learn some “on-road” skills, including Left- and Right-hand turns, passing parked cars and using Shared pathways.
Our Adult Gold level course, is for those who are skilled riders but would like to learn how to ride in high traffic volumes, use multi-laned roundabouts and skills around more complex intersections.